Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Blogging Again

Well, here we go again.

I had a blog a while back, but in a fit of pique (brought on by reasons that I can't remember) I went and deleted it. Anyway, in an equally spur-of-the-moment decision, I decided to set up a new one.

I used the old blog as a place to empty my head of the clutter of everyday life. A sounding-board, shoulder to cry on - call it what you will, but I did find it a useful tool. I plan to use this one in exactly the same manner. No theme or particular political message, just somewhere to store those persistent thoughts and stop them banging around inside my head.

Let's hope I manage to keep this one up for longer than the last.

1 comment:

Womble said...

Welcome back to the blogsphere!